Genesse Valley Regional Markets • 900 Jefferson Road, Building 9, Suite 903 • 585.784.0404

Coffee is a staple in many people’s daily routine and ours is no different! Whether you’re a casual drinker or a coffee connoisseur, the quality of your brew can significantly impact your overall coffee experience. One factor that plays a crucial role in determining the taste and aroma of your cup of joe is when you’re drinking it versus the date it was roasted. So, does it matter when coffee was roasted? Absolutely! Let’s explore why the roast date matters and how it contributes to the quality of your locally roasted coffee. 
The Importance of Roast Date

The roast date refers to when the green coffee beans were roasted. This process transforms these raw beans into the aromatic brown ones we know and love, ready to be ground and brewed into our favorite beverage. The freshness of your coffee beans is directly linked to their roast date. 

Why does this matter? Well, similar to how fruits and vegetables when fresh taste better, freshly roasted coffee also has a superior flavor profile shortly after roasting. Once roasted, coffee beans begin to lose their freshness due to oxidation – a natural process that occurs when beans are exposed to air. This leads to a gradual loss of flavor over time. 
The Peak Flavor Window 

Most experts agree that there’s an optimal ‘peak flavor window’ for consuming coffee. This window typically starts 48 hours after roasting and can last up to two weeks, although some argue it can extend up to 30 days depending on storage conditions. Directly after roasting when the bean has had time to cool down is when the most flavor to each beans profile begins to develop. During this first 48 hours after roasting the bean will develop some of the complex notes we look for when tasting coffee, this can be best detected through our sense of smell. When a bean gives off a noticeable sweetness in aroma coming out of the roaster, we know we’re in for a flavor filled cup of coffee. After roughly 48 hours these notes have finished developing and the timer for peak freshness begins.  
During this peak flavor window, you’ll experience the full richness and complexity that your locally roasted coffee has to offer. After this period however, the flavors start diminishing gradually until they eventually become flat and stale.  
Why Choose Locally Roasted Coffee? 

Now that you understand why roast date matters let’ s delve into why you should opt for locally roasted coffee. At Union Place Coffee Roasters, we prioritize quality over quantity, ensuring that beans are roasted in small batches for optimal freshness. This means you’re more likely to get coffee that’s within its peak flavor window. 

In addition, locally roasted coffee has a lower carbon footprint as it doesn’t need to be shipped over long distances. Buying locally also supports local businesses and contributes to the local economy. So, not only does locally roasted coffee taste better, but it also has several environmental and economic benefits. 
How to Store Your Coffee for Maximum Freshness 
Even if you buy the freshest locally roasted coffee, improper storage can quickly degrade its quality. Here are some tips to keep your coffee at its best: 
1. Keep it airtight: Exposure to air accelerates oxidation which degrades coffee freshness, so always store your coffee in an airtight container. 
2. Avoid light and heat: These can cause your beans to go stale faster by drying out the bean of their natural oils which make them so delicious. Store your coffee in a cool, dark place to retain these flavors for the most amount of time. 
3. Don’t refrigerate or freeze: Contrary to popular belief, storing coffee in the fridge or freezer can harm its flavor due to moisture condensation. The repeated temperature change from taking the beans from the cold temperatures to room temperatures adds moisture content to the bean which increases the rate of degradation. 
4. Keep your whole beans: Ground coffee loses freshness faster rather than whole beans because of increased surface area exposure to air. Therefore, it’s best to grind just before brewing for peak flavor. Stop in the shop to see our selection of home grinders!
So, does it matter when coffee was roasted? Yes! The roast date is a critical factor in determining the freshness and flavor of your brew. By choosing locally roasted coffee and storing it properly, you can enjoy a superior cup of joe every time while supporting local businesses and reducing your carbon footprint. Next time you buy coffee, don’t forget to check the roast date – your taste buds will thank you every time!