Guatemalan Blonde Light Roast

$18.00 | 16 oz. | 16 oz.

• Roast: Medium
Roast: Light
• Body: Light, Clean
• Acidity: Bright


Guatemalan Blonde Light Roast, our lightest roast, is a true delight for those who appreciate the nuances of a lighter roast profile. Bringing out a bright acidity, intense fruit and black tea notes, finishing clean and lingering. This light roast emphasizes the natural brightness of the beans, creating a cup that bursts with lively acidity. As a light roast, this one will give you bit more of a caffeine punch to start your day.

Guatemalan coffee cultivation is renowned for producing high-quality arabica beans with distinct complex flavor profiles. The country’s diverse microclimate and volcanic soil yield a well-balanced flavorful cup. Coffee farming in Guatemala often involves small scale, family farms using traditional shade grown cultivation and organic practices contributing to Guatemala’s reputation of environmentally conscious coffee production. Guatemalan coffee is celebrated for its complex and unique profiles.

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs
Grind Type

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